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The hottest check-in spots on the East Coast

Taitung Chapter

With the sea wind urging gently, let’s embark on a journey to Hualien and Taitung, where the East Coastline is always intoxicating. In this trip to Taitung, we are going to see how art interacts with the uninterrupted sea waves, and to admire the idyllic views of Jin-gang Mountain. With a travel itinerary planned based on the most popular check in points, we visit the unique East Coast of Taiwan, allowing the healing scenery to impress on our travel memories.
  • Jialulan


    Concerto of Nature and Art

    Jialulan Recreation Area is the check in point of the East Coast closest to downtown Taitung City. With the Pacific Ocean in the front and Dulan Mountain in the back, here you can relax your pace, listening to the ocean waves, feeling the breeze caressing your face, and gazing into the sky without thinking a mundane thing. Jialulan is also a stronghold for art exhibitions, where artists are invited to reside locally and the Taiwan East Coast Land Arts Festival is held annually to encourage the works inspired by the East Coast to stay. In addition to taking pictures, you can experience more of the beauty of the East Coast through art.

    Near the 157 km of Provincial Highway 11, Taitung City, Taitung County

    Please join us in protecting works created by the artists-in-residence.

    Jialulan handicraft marketplace held periodically

  • Dulan Sugar Factory

    Dulan Sugar Factory

    The base of cultural and creative activities of indigenous tribes

    If you wish to fill your trip to the East Coast with culture and art, Dulan Sugar Factory will not let you down. The Dulan Sugar Factory was built in Japanese Colonial Period. It used to be a factory of brown sugar, and today has been successfully transformed to an Art Park after a lot of cultural and creative workers and artists were invited to move in. From gallery, café, handicraft shops to diners, you can feel the soft power of the East Coast rich in the elements of Dulan.

    No.61, Dulan Village, Donghe Township, Taitung County


    Opening hours: 08:30~18:00、Saturday 08:30~20:00

  • Torik Beach

    Torik Beach

    Take a picture of the Sky Mirror

    The Beach of Torik, one of the favorites of surfers, is as serene as still water when the tide is out. The shoal looks like a mirror that reflects the blue sky and white clouds, making it the place many people are so eager to visit. One hour before or after the lowest tide is the best time for capturing the Sky Mirror on film. You may enquire online for the time the tide is out for the day and arrive at the beach one hour earlier, allowing sufficient time to prepare for the shooting.

    Intersection of Provincial Highway 11 and Duli Road, Chenggong Township, Taitung County

    Take note of the time of the high and low tides

    One hour before or after the lowest tide every day, the Sky Mirror will appear on the shoal.

  • Jin Gang Boulevard

    Jin Gang Boulevard

    Magnificent scenery hidden in the tribe

    The Jin Gang Boulevard, which is located in the Changguang Tribe, Changbin Township, is part of the Zhongyong Bikeway. Both the views toward the sea or the mountain are breathtaking and unique to Taitung. There are orderly terraced paddies on both sides of the Boulevard, which are harvested once a year. Every June, you will be able to see the golden ears of rice swaying against the sea waves.

    Country Road East 13, Changguang Community, Changbin Township, Taitung County.

    June is the month of rice bearing ears

    Do not step into the terraced paddies while taking pictures, strolling or resting.

  • Ningpu Recreation Area

    Ningpu Recreation Area

    The blue sea inlaid in the frame

    If you drive on Provincial Highway 11, don’t miss out the new land artwork, “The Sea that Was Put There” at Changbin Ningpu Recreation Area. The work takes the appearance of a whale as its main body, and the hollow part in the center serves as a frame that combines with the blue ocean nearby into a picture. With the comfortable sea breeze touching the face and the background music played by the sea waves of the East Coast, people who travel on the coastal highway are given a healing place to exhale slowly.

    Near the 96.3 km of Provincial Highway 11, Changbin Township, Taitung County

    Please join us in protecting works created by the artists-in-residence

  • Xiaoyeliu


    Geology classroom in East Coast

    Because of its landscape similar to that of the famous Yehliu, Xiaoyeliu, which faces the blue ocean to the east, has become one of the must-visit attractions in the coast of Taitung. Eroded by the sea waves constantly, the rocks of Xiaoyeliu are undulating like waves. In addition, there are cuesta, honeycomb rocks, turtle rocks, tofu rocks, and mushroom rocks. Besides taking photos of natural beautiful scenery, it is a worthy classroom for families to learn about geology.

    No.500, Sec. 1, Songjiang Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County.

    Parking is subject to relevant fees.

  • Dulan Cape Cafe

    Dulan Cape Cafe

    Sea breeze is the best companion to a cup of coffee.

    The coconut trees are swaying in the sea breeze. The ice cubes clink against the brim of the glass. There is no din of city noise. The only sound comes from waves breaking on the shore. Is it just how the vacation should be spent? There are so many classic attractions of Taitung that can be found only in Dulan, which offers leisure, culture, and not to mention the freedom brought by the sea. The Cape Café is representative of the East Coast in this spirit. Come here to have a drink and enjoy the sea breeze, which will fill your memory of Taitung with more pleasant satisfaction.

    Donghe Township, Taitung County (Turn right on gas station north of Dulan)


    It is recommended to call first before visiting

  • Sanxiantai


    Crossing the stunning scenery of the arch bridge

    The first ray of the sun in Taiwan always hits Sanxiantai every morning. Located in the Pacific Ocean, the vastest ocean in the world, it has the powerful energy brought by the warm Kuroshio Current from the north of the equator. The East Coast of Taiwan is thus full of vitality. The arch bridge that spans the sea between Taiwan Island and Sanxiantai Island leads the visitors to the views of Sanxiantai. Walking on the arch bridge feels like crossing the ocean. The magnificent scenery makes people hesitate to leave.

    No.74, Jihui Rd., Chenggong Township, Taitung County


    Parking is subject to relevant fees.

  • Color Paintings in Zhuhu Elementary School

    Color Paintings in Zhuhu Elementary School

    Depicting traditions with exquisite paintings

    Zhuhu Elementary School in Changbin Township boasts a beautiful view that is quite different from the other schools. At the invitation of the Principal, Mr. Song, who moved from Taipei to teach in this school and helped to beautify the campus. The paintings not only enhance the view of the school, but also tie Mr. Song closely to Changbin Township. He and his students painted the traditions of the tribes on the wall stroke by stroke, in the hope of passing on the heritage of Amis in detail, which has won recognition from the people of the tribe and allows the visitors to learn about Taitung in greater depth.

    No.14, Zhuhu Village, Changbin Township, Taitung County

    Please pay attention to your behavior during school days and do not disturb students in class.

  • Yiwan Card Church

    Yiwan Card Church

    That fun church that is full of personality.

    What kind of church will catch the eye of directors and musicians, luring them into shooting their films or getting ideas for their works? The Card Church in Chenggong Township gave the answer. Yiwan Card Church is the center of belief for the tribes. Its former structure was destroyed by typhoon, and the current church was designed by Mr. Lai, Ming-de. The architectural blueprint he prepared was inspired by the little cards he collected as a child. This is also how the church got its name. It’s one of the churches of unique design on the East Coast of Taiwan.

    No.11, Yiwan Rd., Boai Village, Chenggong Township, Taitung County

    Only allowed to visit the exterior. The interior not open to the public.